Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I've put my charts of my rankings on my web site at: The National Marshmallow Roasters Institute's Idol page.

When they panned the camera down between the two rows of 12 guys and 12 girls, I thought, Wow ... are we in for a long season. Don't reserve your tickets to the Idol tour yet. It is hoped that we'll be able to get down to a semblance of talented top 10. Eliminating the bad ones won't be the problem. Finding the good ones will. I have a feeling that we'll see three or four who can sing (much like last year).

I've watched all the girls, and see 3 or 4 so far who stand out. I am using my scoring chart and finished up watching all of them on Wednesday. (I have the show recorded). Tonight I'll use my guys scoring chart to find the bottom two guys. You do the same, and we'll compare notes here.

My only question is, "Please ... Can we eliminate more than just two girls and guys this week?!?" NO. They will drag this out for three weeks. Ouch!


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